Dec 9, 2015

5 FOOLPROOF steps to getting back into your fitness routine!

Good evening !!! Yes I am still alive , just have been away. Meaning work and letting pregnancy take a toll on me. However i'm not going to lie. During this time fitness has been a thing of the 'past'. I am so drained that after working 7-4 I do not want to do anything. [Yeah, yeah I know.... Just an excuse.] But honestly I bet you can relate. Have you ever stopped working out for a few days, weeks or months and seen how extremely hard it was to not only start back working out but also stick with it! So I have been thinking of some ways to get myself back into the routine..

Now I know a lot of people are thinking and have told me this already, "You are pregnant. You need to just rest." Which yes, I do agree. However I also need to give myself and baby the exercise we need. To be healthier, prepare for a easier NATURAL delivery and honestly start feeling better! This is what I came up with!

1. Don't buy into the 'it's too late.'
You know how many hamburgers I have ate or slices of pizza...? I honestly lost count. Thinking it is too late is really critical. It is something we all fall prey to in today's society in everything really but is extremely true when it comes to fitness. However, do not sell yourself short of your abilities!! If Mrs. Stepherd can do it at 73, you can also!

2. Find a workout you will enjoy!
I hate going to the gym and just walking..... After lifting heavy almost 7 days a week to walking.. Sucked so bad. This caused me to just say forget it. So I got to into thinking on body weight exercises I can actually do and also low impact weight. However lesson learned, never try and make yourself into a runner or body builder if you do not like running at all or even lifting weights. Do not join a workout class if you prefer to workout alone [guilty.]  Find something that fits YOUR TASTE!

3. Set a specific, measurable goal! 
This is so key!!! They have even bashed this into my head during the schooling of my personal training. "You fail to plan, you to plan fail!" If your goal is to lose weight, how much !? You want to run a 5k, by when? You can always have more than one goal, that is no issue. Just break the goals down and make them specific and measurable.

4. Create accountability for yourself ! 
This is a big thing for me. I have been on the search for a pregnant workout buddy just so someone can understand exactly how I am feeling and also go the same pace. haha. However my woderful husband will do although he does not want me to even touch weights now! Having a partner/friend there to nudge you when it comes to getting up and out helps a ton. Something else also is to just track your progress. You can keep this in a journal or even maps. 

5. Reward yourself for achieving your milestones!
You accomplished those goals in #3, reward yourself ! Not with food though. haha. I like a new workout outfit, a message, or even just a long bubble bath! Use your creativity and reward yourself!

Let's do it ! I am ready. Jump back into the routine! 

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