Failure [noun]
1. An act or instance of failing or proving unsuccessful; lack of success.
2. Nonperformance of something due, required, or expected.
3. A subnormal quantity or quality; an insufficiency.
4. Deterioration or decay, especially or vigor, strength, etc.
5. A condition of being bankrupt by reason of insolvency.
6. A becoming insolvent or bankrupt.
7. A person or thing that proves unsuccessful.
Those are all definitions of failure out of the dictionary. When reading about Failure, you can see why most people stray away from it and/or afraid of it. But why isn't there a definition of failure like; opportunity to success, Opportunity to try again, Time to reassess and try again, Success around the corner, You're not ready yet, or a gift! It gives a different meaning to the word 'failure' doesn't it. So why do we not look at it this way?
Failure often applies, This is the end. It is over. You are done. I am telling you, this is not true! This is only the beginning. As in my life and I know you have in yours, you have come across 'failure'. You have came across things and situations that have made you into who you are today through failure. Which if you look at what has happened through the dictionary definition, you will feel like you have let yourself down, like you have less self worth or just not at all good enough. But you have not. Through my life, I will show you that what I believe is the true definition of 'failure', is true!
Because I failed at being shy and keeping myself away from the world, I became a inspiration to many through life, work, faith, dedication, hope.
Because I failed to finish college for nursing, I found my true passion through Fitness and became a Personal Trainer, AdvoCare Coach, Fitness Nutrition Specialist.
Because I failed to stay close to God through school, I've learned how forgiving and precious his love still is for me now.
Because I failed at keeping my mouth shut about a high school incident, I gained more self respect for myself and truly found life had more to offer then basketball.
Because I failed at getting professional help and reaching out to others for help on dealing with my fathers 'personal' accident, I found that God can heal all things if you give it all over to him.
Because I failed at being treated right in all past relationships, I learned my true self worth and what it means to truly be loved through my husband Raul.
Because I failed at sticking with basketball, I found out the amazing things my body and mind can do through weight training.
Because I 'failed' at carrying my child full term, I learned God has greater plans and how value a life is, no matter how small.
Because I failed at being in a 'civilian relationship' I learned love can withstand all things, distance does make the heart grow fonder and my husband and I can handle all things that come our way. Our love is unconditional.
Because I failed at never getting on a plane, I now LOVE traveling and will move in a second to experience what the world has to offer.
Because I failed at becoming a mother, my marriage grew stronger, I grew stronger and my faith grew stronger.
Because I failed at being aware of supplements I put into my body during middle school/high school; I now know the importance of GOOD health!
Because I failed to let fear control me, I now have my own business, married for two years, in [online] school, have a angel baby, a new fulfilled life.
Because I failed at staying friends with those who held me back [or really any others through being born-high school], I found a life I love and met new friends that support me and believe in me more than sometimes I do myself.
Because I failed to listen to mom I found out a lot of things in life the hard way. [Mamma is always right. Okay well 90 percent of the time.]
Because I failed to see all the things I went through in my past as something that defeated me, I found the joy in it all and became a stronger woman today.
Because I failed, I HAVE SUCCEEDED. I am someones wife, best friend, mother, daughter, sister, coach, inspiration, motivator and biggest fan! Failures + perseverance = success !
Not all things in the definition of 'failure' are bad. It is all about perspective. Everything in life is perspective! What is your perspective on the 'failures' on your life, the events you have went through. What way have they defined you ?
Have a wonderful day everyone ! God bless.
[& here are some pictures from mine and Cash's dog park date (: ]
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