Mar 13, 2015

Lets turn this.....

Yes it is a shake,
but lets make it into different things! (:
I started having cravings for something sweet today. I thought maybe I can just go get some sprinkled doughnuts..
.Maybe some ice cream...Candy...
All of these just would set me back on my goals though...
It would throw me back into a dump of wanting
And I would struggle to get out of it,
while hating myself for doing it. hahahh
So I grabbed something healthy and made it work!
That is how I got this beauty!!!!
And oh my she is amazing !!!!

Now I am going to tell you just how to do this also!
[If you don't have shakes. GET THEM!

*cooking spray (I did not have any so I used Olive oil)
*A mug
*Chocolate Hershey's (optional)
*A strawberry (also optional)
*Meal replacement shake

1. Mix your Meal replacement shake with 1/4 cup of water!
You can blend this in a blender of just shake it in a blending cup.
Whatever works better for you!

Spray your cooking spray into your mug,
or oil on a paper towel and spread it around in the mug..
(this is to stop the shake from sticking to the cup)
Now put it in the microwave for 80-90 seconds.

Flip the cup over onto a plate,
Do not slam the cup down.
Mine just fell out on its own, 
however you may need to run a knife around the edges if it stuck to the mug.

((Now this can be complete if you just want to eat the cake,
if not........))

Melt your chocolate in the microwave, 
throw a strawberry on top and

You are done and have one amazing strawBERRY cake!
Made from AdvoCare's delish Meal Replacement Shake!

If you have recipes of your own with AdvoCare products, 
SHARE THEM! I would love to try them out! (:

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