Feb 13, 2015

Happy Valentines Day !!!!

The holiday filled with colors of red, pink and white!
 Teddy bears, cards, dates, flowers, romance, and
 lets not forget about the candy and other goodies !!

Valentine’s Day Tumblr
Now there are two kinds of people on this day! 
You know what I am talking about.
The couples.
and well......
everyone else. hahaha.

However one thing we all have in common the day after,
is the guilt. somewhere in their mind crosses a thought.
'i ate so much....' 
'oh my tummy....'
'that was a extra 2 pounds....'
then we are feeling like this.... trying to take it back.

Now I am not at all saying do not enjoy the holiday, 
to not go out and have some fun and celebrate.
But to those who have adapted a healthier lifestyle,
wanting to lose weight, worry about adding extra weight.
Don't fall off track into the things that give a temporary feeling of enjoyment.

With that being said, let me share with you a recipes of the most ate things on Valentines day!
made healthier!!!
yes, i know !! Yummmmm!!!
 Healthy Chocolate And Strawberries
Prep time: 35 minutes

[1] 6oz container of vanilla chobani greek yogurt.
1/2-3/4 cup nutella (mmmmmm)
fresh strawberries

Mix together the greek yogurt and nutella. let chill for 30 minutes minimal. If wanting a more rich taste let chill up to one day. then serve with strawberries (:

And Happy Valentines Day.

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