Dec 18, 2014

My Mr.Forever

              Ok soooooo. I have many people ask me about my wonderful husband, Raul and I. 
                    And also on in general about "what took y'all so long" or "why so fast".
                    Confusing to hear if you do not know us right? Ill make it clear. hahaha.

                                                 It all started with a myspace message. 
                                                          *yes I said myspace...*
                                        December 22, 2007 Raul sent me a random message.
                                                   Raul at the time was 14 and I was 13.
                                   I was living in Mesquite, TX, Raul lived in Corsicana, TX.
  • As you see, I replied kind of rudely.
    However we continued to talk.
    Growing closer and closer.

    * a little  background on me at the time*
    I was a very big trouble maker.
    Always grounded.
     in a room with nothing but a mattress.
    It wasn't till in my last semester of 7th grade
    when I pretty much told my parents that
    "If we don't move to Corsicana, I will continue to be bad."
    Soooooo, we moved.
    *back to me and Raul*

    Moving to Corsicana in my 7th grade year in middle school,
    Raul was in High school as a freshmen.
    One night I decided to go to a tennis game
    and watch my cousin play.
    • After the match we decided to walk towards the parking lot.
      Which so happened the baseball "gym" was right there.
      The baseball guys were out side and Kay'la and I walked over.
      *Me just moving to Corsicana I didn't know anyone*
      As they continued to talk I just kept looking at this one guy.
      Something in my mind was telling me he looked familiar.
      It then clicked.
      It was Raul!I then interrupted and asked,
      "Are you Raul"
      once hearing yes. I screamed and hugged him.
      The evening then carried on
      and we talked before he ended up needing to leave. ):
      (which just to throw it in,
      he can tell you to this day still what I was wearing head to toe)

      *speeding it up some*

      Later on me and Raul ended up dating.
      however it wasn't for long due to me being a stupid teenager.

      Time then continued to pass.
      I was consumed with basketball and boyfriends.
      And raul was in sports, with his friends, working
      and getting ready to leave off to the Marines.
      We went our ways and took a completely different path.

    • Five years had then passed.
      However during this time Raul did not give up.
      Messages he sent over the years on Facebook
      and stopping to visit my family when in town.
      *Lucky huh?*
      Thing is though, I never seen one of those messages,
      nor was I home to know he ever came by.
      I was during this time in a very controlling relationship
      that made it where I never had my phone or was home
      to had seen ANY of this.
      However February 2013, the relationship ended for good.

      *now here is where it gets "crazy"*

      June 6th, 2013 I graduated from High School.
      • That very next day after my graduation party,
        I moved to Fate, TX to live with my sister.
        This was going to be my home till getting an apartment
        and starting college.

        However one evening In June got a message.
        It was from Raul.
        Just having a casual conversation on how I just graduated,
        what I'm going to do now, and how he was doing.

        While talking it caught my eye that our conversation thread continued up.
        Confused, I scrolled up.
        I mean really we have not talked in about five years?
        Taken by surprise I seen message after message
        on Raul trying to reach out to me.
        Noticing all the dates were from when I was in the previous controlling relationship.
        I mean seriously, the man I was now messaging on facebook
        has been trying to get in touch with me over five years.
        I felt horrible. Feeling like a total B word.
        I then brought it up to Raul and apologized, that I had no idea.

        We moved past the past and continued to talk.
        Raul will say, "I wouldn't leave him alone"
        which is kind of true lol.
        But hey, he would reply.
        *also from that moment, I had my mind set on marrying this man*yes, yes I know. crazy.
        I haven't talked to this man in over five years.
        I don't even know who he is now..
        Was he still the same?
        Did he even want that kind of relationship?
        Well I didn't care.
        • *fast forwarding a couple months*

          We talked every day, reconnecting.
          Raul at this point knew I liked him.
          That I wanted to be with him
           *not that I did forever at that point though*
          However he did know whomever he was to marry,
          would probably go "missing". hahaha.
          *yes I know might sound a little crazy*

          Well August 2013 Raul was coming home for a leave period.
          We agreed to meet up.
          Not only that though, but for me to spend the leave with him.
          *my parents did not care at all and supported it fully
          sense they seen Raul as a son and always stayed connected with him
          over the years when I did not.*

          I surprised Raul at the airport with his family.
          I told him earlier that day that I could not make it there
          but would be at his house later that evening.
    • Reunited at the airport from the moment we locked eyes
      showed both of us "this is it".
      Raul being speechless, hugged me and only three words came out of his mouth.
      "I love you"
      That was it. those words.

      The leave period continued.
      we made soo many memories
      and grew together.
      • The night of August 5th, 2013
        in George West,
        Raul asked me to be his girlfriend.
        FINALLY !!!!

        Sense that moment on we continued as a loving and happy couple.
        Going the distance because of his work.
        Making everything happen.
        During this time, I opened up to Raul
        and told him that I wanted to marry him.
        Raul then asked both of my parents for their blessing.
        Of course they approved!.
        I had already had planned out before Raul left in August
        for me to get on a plane for the first time
        and fly out to California to see him.
        During this time, we both knew this trip would change our relationship.
        • after spending a few days in California.
          The day came.

          however I had no clue it would've been this time.
          We sat in the hotel for majority of the day.
          Raul didn't talk. He just sat there the whole time.
          Me thinking I did something wrong, or he was mad at me.
          He asked if I wanted to go get dinner.
          of course I said yes.

          On the way to what I thought was dinner,
          we pulled up to the beach.
          I was excited! I had never been to the beach!!!
          • Upon arriving Raul got out of the car and was waiting for me to get out.
            I slowly got out and just looked at Raul.
            He shut the door.
            I immediately then asked,
            "babe, you going to turn the car off?"
            Yes.... this man got out of the car and was about to leave with the car still on....
            After he turned the car off, we then proceeded to walk towards the pier.
            He still wasn't really talking.
            So we just continued to walk kind of in silence.
            Reaching the end of the pier Raul had a couple take a picture of us.
          • Not knowing till now, that was suppose to have been "the moment"
            but cough cough.
            *sorry babe, don't be mad I told*
            I then told him It was cold and I was getting hungry.
            we talked back down going towards the car.
            Raul stopping on the way down like 3 times,
            just talking to random people.
            [I mean... really? what's going on. hahahha]
            Almost to the end Raul made on last stop.
            He went to the edge, and was just looking out.
            I kind of walked up beside him. stood there in confusion.
            • then this conversation happened:
              Raul: "what would you change about me?"Me: "the distance. that's it. nothing else."
              there was silence.
              I then looked at him...
              and asked back,
              Me: "what would you change about me?"
              Raul: "there is two things."
              me: looking like "what did you just say...."
              Raul: "one would be you being a redskins fan... *we laughed* then
              second, I would change your last name."
              Me:I looked at him and just said "it will happen one day."
              Raul: "why not now"
              I looked confused and then seen raul reach into his coat pocket,
              pull out a box and get down on his knee.
              Raul then told me that he loved me, and asked me to marry him.
              Pulling him up, saying yes and kissing him. <3
              My life at that moment was complete.
              • Full of excitement we then left back to the hotel.
                we changed and went out to celebrate!! 

                We then set a date that was suppose to have been
                October 12th, 2014.
                However once going back home I had the bright idea of not waiting.
                Knowing Raul was going to deploy in January,
                meant he would come home on pre-deployment leave in December.
                We then decided to get married and have a courthouse wedding.

                It was the day after Christmas.
                December 26th, 2013
                This was our day!
              • At this moment, my life stood still.
                I was about to give my heart and life to this man.
                Our dreams and goals we planned on having when we were 13 and 14
                were coming true.
                I was living the fairy tale life.

                And our families were there to witness it.
                • WE BECAME ONE!!!
                  I had my best friend as my partner in life.

                  Sense then we have had a long road just in almost one year.
                  we finished a deployment.
                  reunited and I moved to live in California with him
                  for the time we had before he deployed again.

                  We got our four legged baby;
                  and was also blessed with a baby that is now watching over us every day.

                  • Now sense knowing a little of our story,
                    you should now understand what I meant by when people say
                    "what took yall so long?" or "why so fast".
                    from your point of view it either
                    took us over five years to make this decision.
                    or it only took us half a year too.
                    Whatever it is, I honestly don't care.
                    hahaha. just being honest.

                    Time does not define love.
                    just as distance doesn't either.
                    When you love someone, you truly just know it.
                    You will drop everything at anytime for that person.
                    And there is not a second guess to it.
                  • No my marriage has not been a breeze the whole time.
                    we have been to rock bottom
                    and we have been at the highest.
                    Thing is though, we have always been by each others side through it all.
                    Raul is my best friend, my strength, my headache, my swolemate, my everything.
                    He is my best decision I have made in my life.
                    Through whatever, I will fight for him.
                    Just as he would for me.
                    <3 <3 <3

                    Love is not just a word.
                    And its not even close to label what I truly feel.
                    For one to understand, they must first live it.
                    And I truly hope that everyone at least one time in their lives will experience this.
                    Its a gift from God to find someone that completes you.
                    Loves you beyond what you could love yourself.
                    and accepts you when you cannot.

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