This is the main topic I get everyday from people. 'How can I lose weight starting NOW?' Now is such a powerful word and most people are looking for that blink of they eye fix. (which is not possible) But you know what, they are things you can start on this very second to start the process towards your goals! Yes I said process, because it is one! There are little things you can do, things that will take more effort, sacrifices, etc. However they all require a lifestyle change when you are wanting to REALLY lose weight! So what are some of those things? I have written other blogs on how to lose weight, you can check those out and also keep reading this one for some HACKS!
[ 10 day fix ]
[ 24 day challenge ]
Now, here we go!
1. Gallon of water a day! Drink it, drink, drink it! Try this for 30 days and i promise you that you will lose weight, have more energy and feel better!! Does this mean you have to kick everything else to the curb? I would say so. Drop the soda, sweet team, sugary drinks, etc! Stick with water! If you need some flavor to it or want something besides water, GET SPARK! It will help you get the energy you lacked sense cutting out soda! Now only get it but get more plus mental focus. You will get your vitamins needed, no sugar and even amino acids ! [ get spark! ]

2.Take a few extra steps. Walk to the very last stall... Take the stairs and not the elevator. Park at the very back of the parking lot. Get the idea?

3. Eat on a smaller plate! Play a mind game by doing this. It will trick your mind into thinking there is more and there is less you can put on a plate!

4. Treat yourself! BUT WITH PORTION CONTROL!!!! Separate in bags what you can have. If not, you will look and down and see the whole bag gone.... Trust me. (:

5. Eat a good breakfast 30 minutes upon waking up!!! This is very important! Get your metabolism going and lose weight easier ! Now it needs to be a healthy breakfast. Mcdonalds wont do. hahaha. I have been drinking these meal replacement shakes through advocare which come in Chocolate, mocha, berry and vanilla ! So hard for me to say one is my favorite, I drink them all! At all 210 calories!! 24g protein, 50 percent of your daily calcium intake, 26 vitamins and minerals, low sodium and low fat! Best part yet, they are equal to two bowls of oatmeal. (: [ Get shakes! ]
6. Eat 1-2 cups of veggies before lunch AND dinner!! Veggies are very important and why not get full on those so you're not tempted to get desert after! This is a good thing. hahah.

7. Break away from your old eating habits!!! Could not stress this enough, this is a lifestyle change.

8. Stop putting yourself down with the 'fat talk', become your biggest fan! Love yourself as you are now and as you continue on your journey! This makes all of the difference.

9. TAKE FOOD WITH YOU!! If you do not prepare, you prepare to fail. This way you will never be hungry. And when you are, you will not be splurging on bad food choices! The number on thing i will ALWAYS have in my purse and car besides spark and rehydrate is Advobars! [ Get bars! ]
10. SLEEP ! SLEEP ! SLEEP ! You need 7-8 hours of sleep a night! FACT:average person burns .5 calories per pound a hour a person sleeps ! [I weight 140 pounds. So sleeping a total of 8 hours a night i burn 70 calories a hour equaling 560 calories a night just by SLEEPING!

But you are the only one who can make it happen. I am not there to slap things out of your hand or say no don't do this, do this instead.. So believe in yourself with the process. I believe in you!
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