Jan 30, 2015

AdvoCare ALL-IN challenge?

 I WAS IN IT !!!

and I am so excited to share with YOU how it was for me!
So lets get going (:

First what is the all-in challenge?
Well it is really called the 24 day challenge and it is with the wonderful company AdvoCare.
The challenge is for anyone who is wanting to lose weight, have energy, jump start their healthy lifestyle, break out of a plaque or wanting overall wellness.
 So who is it for? EVERYONE!
Now it is broken into two phases. 
1. a cleanse phase
which is on days 1-10
this has herbal cleanse, omegaplex, spark!
What does this do?
 Overall this phase gives you body the ground it has to have to work on.
 It is like your car, it has to go for a oil change to work like new right? [yessssss.]
 Your body needs the same thing. 
Quick over view:
herbal cleanse: cleanses your body. VERYYY GENTLE ! 
omegaplex: this increases your overall wellness ! [heart, nerve, muscle, skin, bone and immune health]
Spark: Oh my gosh. my life! This is energy, mental focus! zero sugar, low calorie, full of vitamins and mineral.


2. the max phase which is on days 11-24.
This is when your body really kicks into gear!
It contains MNS i got 3, meal replacement shakes, and more spark!!!!
Quick over view:
MNS3: this is weight management, appetite control, overall wellness!
Meal replacement shakes: mmmmmm! Gives you your complete nutrition. building muscle and losing fat!
Spark: Again ! My life saver ! Energy, mental focus, zero sugar! no crash, no jitters!

It also comes with a '24 day challenge' guide which is full of helpful information!!!
[portion sizes, food ideas, detail in the products, times to take the products, a calendar guide, etc!]
For the people who also ordered through me,
 [my teammates! I hate the word customers]
Got detailed workouts, grocery list and nutrition help with also 24 hour support and check ins!

Now that is just a very just kind of bullet point overview!
I can answer any questions and go into more detail if you are interested in knowing more!

So before I start with MY results on this challenge.
Take a moment and watch this video to see others !'
WOW huh? And those are REAL people, not paid testimonies !
that last!!

Now for me to share mine ! ((:
My first 10 days on the challenge were GREAT!
 I lost a total of 7 pounds and I started to feel a true wellness in me.
I got on a schedule with my meals and really started to adopt a health eating pattern!
of course I ate healthy already but when I ate,
Was not the best.
Example of my day on days 1-3:
wake up, and I drank my spark! On a empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast!
Breakfast I made either egg omelet or oatmeal with some fruit and drank my fiber drink!
Snacked: Fruits or my Advocare bars!
Lunch: protein, carb, veggie.
Snack again.
Dinner: I took my omegaplex and ate a protein, carb, veggie
and before going to bed I took my herbal cleanse caplets.

Sooo simple.

Example of my day on days 4-7:
wake up, and I drank my spark! On a empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast and took my probiotic restore ultra.
Breakfast I made either egg omelet or oatmeal with some fruit and no fiber drink!!
Snacked: Fruits or my Advocare bars!
Lunch: protein, carb, veggie.
Snack again.
Dinner: I took my omegaplex and ate a protein, carb, veggie
and before going to bed I took my herbal cleanse caplets.

Again, easy!

Example of my day on days 8-10:
wake up, and I drank my spark! On a empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast!
Breakfast I made either egg omelet or oatmeal with some fruit and drank my fiber drink again!
Snacked: Fruits or my Advocare bars!
Lunch: protein, carb, veggie.
Snack again.
Dinner: I took my omegaplex and ate a protein, carb, veggie
and took nothing before going to sleep!

This was days 1-10 [cleanse phase]
And understand I am veryyyy boring with my meals. I am use to plain and simple!
You would not have to be like that.
I would help you with some delish meals (:

Now days 11-24:
I lost another 3 pounds, dropped 3 percent in body fat. And I was wrong for ever thinking on the cleanse was the best I ever felt because It was nothing compared to this!!!!

These 14 days were a breeze !!!! 
and i really enjoyed it SOOO much !

Example of my day on days 11-24
wake up, and I drank my spark! On a empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast and also took my MNS color pack.
Breakfast I had the amazinggggg meal replacement shake. I am not kidding when I say these are amazing! I even ordered two more boxes of them! No joke.
Snacked: Fruits or my Advocare bars!
30 minutes before lunch: MNS pack
Lunch: protein, carb, veggie. MNS pack
Snack again.
Dinner: I took my omegaplex and ate a protein, carb, veggie

[[[ above it shows catalyst. 
this is something I added in on my package and I was so happy I did.
It helped so much in my exercising as burning fat, but keeping my lean muscle.
You workout or wanting to tone up? this is your go to!]]]

So what was my end result in this challenge???
Take a look for yourself !!!
Lost a total of 10 pounds ! 3 percent body fat and have the overall wellness of a God! hahaha.
Now I did not imagine getting half of what I did on the challenge.
I knew I would get weight loss and tone up. 
But seriously to feel how your body is suppose to.....
Left me speechless.
I have always been 'fit' but honestly,
I always felt like CRAP!
I was always putting GNC products, other products I had no clue what was in them,
products that I knew nothing about and honestly no one else did either because science had no back up on them! However AdvoCare was not like that.
The products have 230 years of science into them. The best of the best that put them together.
They are of the highest quality and safest products you could ever put into your body.
And I got to see and feel this first hand!

This challenge has forever changed my look on how the human body is suppose to feel.
It shows me the healthy way to lose weight and quick. 
It showed me how to adopt a healthier life style.
healthier eating habits.

And being a personal trainer, this is huge!
I know the knowledge of what is needed to be healthy, to get to the state you want to be in.
But honestly without AdvoCare 24 day challenge, It is impossible to get the results you can with just personal training and nutrition!
I am living proof!

So why wait for you to feel the same?
Ask me questions on how you can start!
How this can help you!
How will I be there with you every step of the way?
Ask me ANYTHING !!!!!

And if you have no questions,

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