Jan 24, 2015

You have unlimited potential!

"Making a difference big or small can be scary? You know what is even scarier though? REGRET!!!!"

I posted this on my Facebook this morning. 
Knowing people would do a few things.
-pass it right up.
-read it and say 'that is a good quote'
-agree completely with it.
-say they just wasted seconds of their day reading it.
and then there are those who will read it, stop, think and take action.

Now I am not making this a long article.
I just want to give for some food for thought.

Now which one of those people are you?
Back then I would have been the first one.
I would've just kept passing it by.
Now I completely agree with it?
Why is that?
Because I live it! No i do not live in regret, 
I am terrified of regret !!

I am afraid of the regret of not getting someones name and sharing a compliment I truly admire of them or taking my time to talk to someone about theirselves. Why? What if that day is their last day. What if they just hate their life, feel invisible, just going through the motions of life and they are thinking 'i cannot do this anymore'. What if you don't say something and their life ends. What if you say hello, show true interest in them and have them realize that someone sees them. I am afraid of that regret.

I am afraid of the regret if I see man in uniform, have a hat on his dash, anything at all and I pass up not thanking him for his service that he might feel forgotten. I don't care how old. Those are known as the 'glory days' as Raul says to me. And what is that is all the person has to hold onto. You pass them up without a word and they continue on thinking 'only if I meant something like I did then. Having a brother mood, a constant bond". But what if you say thank you, ask about it, get in a conversation. They continue throught their day with a smile on their face! go home, put on that uniform and say 'i still got it'. I am afraid of that regret.

I am afraid of the regret of not keeping up with my health. That if I stop and let myself go. I have lost years on my life. Years that might the ones my kids get married, I meet my grandchildren, I get to spend with Raul. (which i KNOW I will lose years off if I have bad health) I am afraid of the regret!

I am afraid of the regret of not following my dreams. If I was to give up now? would tomorrow have been the day that my dreams came true? That I made some progress? That I helped change someone life that their selves loss all hope for? I am afraid of that regret!

There are so many regrets I am afraid of!!!
As I know you have also.
So don't live a life full of regret. 
Do not put that on yourself..

Now with regret though, 
people put it next to failure.
They make them go hand in hand.
'for me to do something, I could possibly fail. I am afraid of that..'
so then this turns to regret.
Or "I didn't do that.. now i regret it.. I have failed."
there are many different ways to look at this and connect it.

I'm going to tell you though. 
As you know now I am terrified of regret.
But I am not afraid of failure.
I am not afraid of however big or small the steps are I have to take.
I am not afraid to fall flat on my face.
I am not afraid for someone to shut me out and tell me no.
I am not afraid of failure.

Don't get me wrong though,
I have NOT always been like this.
Growing up of course I have 'never known a stranger' 
I always broke rules and had to do things to find out on my own.
Yeahhh.... I was one of those children.
Still am as a 20 year old women.

However when it came to sticking to things when times got rough?
I found a way out of it.
Then i would days, weeks, years later look back and say to myself,
'If i just did not leave... I just kept gong.. what would things be like now?'
REGRET !! ^^^^
So what magic potion woke me up...
I knew and believed with everything in me,
I have unlimited potential.
This is something we all have.
Realize this, believe this.

This is what breaks you away from living a life of regret.
and truly becoming AFRAID of regret.
By knowing you have unlimited potential.
So why waste it?

That was my magic potion.
This is something someone can tell you till they are blue in the face.
You can read hundreds and thousands of books over it.
You can watch millions of videos on the subject.
You can do everything..
But until you pick at your own brain yourself,
look in the mirror and tell yourself this.
You will not be able to separate your life from living in regret,
to living a life full of greatness. 

Take 30 minutes of your day.
Go somewhere quite.
Go run to a park, while the kids are asleep,
lock yourself in the closet, go to the bathroom.
Go wherever to be alone and in your own thoughts.
Think of the person you are and what positive things you have in your life.
truly look at those things, soak in the thought of them.
List the negative, now get them out.
A friend? Relationship? Job? ETC.
Work to make it better or kick it to the curb.
You must get a true understanding of where you are.
Now write down what you want to become, who you want to be.
Don't think about where you are right now!
Think about where you want to go.

You have three list.
Read your positive list every single morning and add to it every night.
second list of the things holding you back, work at getting those off.
It will be hard at times, you will second guess it from fear,
But wold you rather live in regret of what you could be?
Third list. Work at it. Connect it with your first one and see how the potential you have now, can get you there.
Because you are full of unlimited potential.
You will see this as every day, you will have more on this list.
It keeps growing.
Because you and what you have is unlimited !!

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