It is 8pm.
I am sitting in the same seat behind my desk that I have been at sense 6 o'clock this morning.
Have I moved?
Well I worked out for about an hour.
Been to the bathroom about every 30 minutes to an hour..
Trained my sister for about 45 minutes.
and I have went to the kitchen to grab my breakfast, lunch and dinner bringing it back to my desk.
Oh and also got up to stretch my legs some.

Yeahhhh, that is me a few times a day.
You know what though,
even if I work 12-16 hours a day, 6 days a week,
with 6-8 hours on Sunday making it seven...
I wouldn't change it,
I know that might sound crazy...
But watch this.
You are looking at someone who works 20 hours a week.
Is this insane? To some. well most.
To those who do not understand the means of success!
I read a book the start of this month.
"21 success secrets of self-made millionaires" by Brian Tracy
(if you want to know what other books I have my head into, check out my tab never stop growing)
And something I read in there that he said has stuck with me.
"40 hours a week is average. You will forever be average if you work this.
However every hour after the 40, Is success."
let me say that again.
40 hours a week is average. anything after, is success.
Gosh. still gets me every time I read it.
Now ask me again
' why do you work so much? '
still don't know.
go back again, and read that quote.
Now you know.
There is a reason that only five percent of people succeed.
this means only 1 out of 20 people......
It is not because they do not know how to be successful,
[everyone knows how]
It is because they do not want to put in the work.
Or they do and give up when things get tough.

Before making the decision to become an entrepreneur,
I was constantly told
'this is not for the weak at heart.
you have to be willing to sacrifice some things.
you will have to work as hard as you ever have before.
and you will have to have discipline.'
This was so true!
And those words, the actions were so much more.
You cant be weak at heart is right but you also cannot be weak in mind!
You have to sacrifice some things but at times you don't get to decide what those things are!
you have to work as hard as ever before but you also have to do things you have never done!
You will have to have discipline but you will also need patience and faith in the process.
As a entrepreneur, this is the same with everything else in life.
with your health, relationships, money, faith, everything.
You see everywhere the outline of things.
"the bullet points"
what people just tell you.
1. work hard.
2. show up.
3. just do it.
But there is so much in those words that you must do.
To get what you are wanting and succeed in it.
If you simply just go by the bullet points you will be lost.
you will make wrong turns and fail.
work hard?ok. at what. what must I work hard on?
show up? ok, i'm here... now what.
just do it. uhhh what am i needing to do. What am i suppose to do with that?
Don't know? find out.
Ask. look for people who have done so and follow.
research information from people who are where you are wanting to be.
find out for yourself!
do not be afraid of failure!
embrace it.
failure is opportunity.
it doesn't hurt.
Not if you know what failure withholds.
It holds lessons, answers, opportunities, growth.
Failure is a way of life.
Everyone fails.
It is those people who fail that look at it as opportunity,
have not really failed at all but have succeeded.
People are afraid of the word failure and even the word impossible.
let me tell you nothing is impossible.
I was running to some motivational audios this morning.
In one of them,
Les Brown had said,
"they knew it had been done. And because it had been done, there was a new belief about this barrier, about this goal that was 'unreachable'. They believed, they knew in their heart that someone did it, so it is possible! that they could do it!"
There is no such thing as impossible. We are all the same people.
What that person did to make that 'impossible', possible.
Regardless of what it is.
You have a dream? make it happen.
It is possible.
Regardless of where you are, things can get better for you!
[take the time to watch this]
That video and millions of others go over situations and people
whom you have or are in the same position of.
So what makes them different from you?
Nothing besides regardless of how tough it was, how many 'failures' they faced.
They did not give up.
I am telling you.
Whatever it is that you are wanting to do,
it is possible.
Just go for it!

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