Jan 31, 2015

The AdvoCare Opportunity.

I have thought long and hard.. I have replayed scenarios inside my head... Thinking what people would think or say but you know what I was thinking as other looking from the outside in and not on what this truly is!

So what am I talking about?

I am talking about this picture. 
Was I going to post it or not.

 Or was I going to just go one by one sharing hope.  Asking if they wanted to try some of the safest and effective products you will ever get into your body? Was I going to wait until someone mentioned one of them? Or was I going to post this picture and let others know that I have what they have been looking for. To let them know all that money they have been investing in products that DON’T WORK, does not have to happen anymore, or was I going to show the bigger picture of AdvoCare? Or thinking what would people think? Would they be judging me and Raul about what we do? Thinking about the money in our pockets? But you know what... I hope you did!

Now, I know your thought when seeing this picture was
“oh my gosh!”
“that is a lot of products!!!”
“How much money did all of that cost…”

And you know what; it is a lot of products, 
I was amazed with a smile in my face when I see them.
And want to know how much it cost? That is 3,000 worth of products.
Now you're asking.... why the heck did you do !?! You and Raul have that money!?!
You know it doesn't matter if we did. This could have been something we had and were able to do or this could have been our last dollars to our name. But it does not matter!!!

And That reason there is the main reason for me posting this picture and sharing this with you.

Let me ask some questions.
Have you ever wanted something so bad, you said you would do whatever it took to get it?
I did. I wanted to be healthy. I wanted to work from home so I could spend every waking moment with my kids and Raul.

Have you believed in something so much you put your heart and soul into it?
I have. My marriage, my friendships, my faith. My success!

Have you tried products that have not worked before? 
I have more then two hand fulls. and it messed up my health so bad!

Have you just wished you had more time with family, your kids, yourself!?
I have. This was one of the biggest things I wanted.

Now could you use a extra $500, $2000, $7000, $10-20000 a month?
Well heck yeah I could. You know what that would do for me and Raul?

Now let me ask you this!
If you had a plan which has been in place for over 20 years on how to get there, would you take it?
I would. And I did.

If you knew the products where the safest products you would EVER put into your body, would you take them?
Well duh...

What if they are the most effective products!? meaning they WORK!!! 100 percent money back guarantee??
Well yeah, there is no risk. 

If you see thousands of others succeeding with this plan, would you trust it?
Well heck yeah! If it worked for them why couldn't it for me?

If you knew you were not alone in this, that you would be a part of a team of others who were helping you, would this make you feel more at ease?
It did me. And it is more than the truth.


Now I know you answered yes.
So one last question....
why are you not joining me? Why have you not asked yet more of what this AdvoCare is?

Now AdvoCare found me in October of 2014, at a time I was trying to get back in shape and in need of energy. That is when I got spark in my body. I was hooked. I had unbelievable energy. I was then able to study for 6 hours straight on my Personal Training. This was huge. I then joined because of this, I knew I had my hands on GOLD! I then got more products in my body. Jumped on a 24 day challenge, lost 10 pounds, dropped 3 percent body fat and truly for the first time felt amazing! I then got into the business side of AdvoCare and was given so much more then I could ever believe. I was blessed to be able to work from home while bringing in money. I had a proven system for my goals and joined a family that are still with me every step of the way making it happen.
So you want to ask why I do this. That above, is my reason. I was once shared the hope of a life I desired. And was told it is possible. I was shown this. I grabbed a hold of this and I took it. And you know what, all of what I was shown and told, WERE RIGHT! 

Greatest thing I am not in this alone. I have the AdvoCare family! which is with me every single day, whenever I need them. But there was one person I had been praying to join me. Who was this?... It was Raul ! Now of course he supported me, he was behind me in what I did. However It was not until recently when he asked me one day if he could be apart of this with me? Could we be doing this together? 

But why? Raul had seen what AdvoCare was doing for me. How it was touching other peoples lives! How the products worked! He seen the desire I had burning inside of me and he seen, this will work! So Raul joined me. And those who know Raul, YOU KNOW he doesn't waste time on things he knows will not work, he doesn't just spend money on whatever for no reason. No matter how much that man loves me, he would not let me get sooo deep into some that would lead to nowhere. So yes, we went all in! We invested into this opportunity that has no limits and is EVERYTHING we ever want it to be! And I am so thankful for that!!! To have Raul in AdvoCare with me and be doing this!

I quickly fell in love with AdvoCare. I fell in love with reason. I fell in love with the hope! I fell in love with being a champion! I feel in love with knowing me and Raul had a plan B! I fell in love with knowing I would be at every single one of my kids games, I would kiss Raul goodbye for class or work and welcome him home with the same and a hot dinner! I fell in love with it all!!!! 

And This is why we went all in!
This is why we do what we do!
Why we stand by this company and all of what it stands for!

We don’t sell vitamins, we share hope!!
And this is AdvoCare, this is who we are!


So join us !!! 
because you are one!!

Ask me more of what AdvoCare will do FOR YOU!

How we will make this happen!

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