"Why am I not making any progress!?
I has been a couple days now...
you know what I quit..."
I see this everywhere.
Because everyone is looking for the "quick fix"
They want it now.
But they don't want to put in the work....
They will be spend 100s of dollars of all kinds of different
pills, wraps, drink, etc.
And just be disappointing because they did not work..
I hate seeing this.
Only for the fact that
I want you to experience true health!!!!
Why else would I have devoted my life and career to this?
Because I want you to know how your body is made to feel.
Do I feel sorry about all the money you are losing?
Sorry I don't.
You could be spending that money on something that actually does work.
healthier foods, exercise equipment.
Heck even a book, for your kids.
Anything but something that just negatively effects you and your money put in.
So this is what I am going to do to help...
In my certification,
I am required to stay up to date on the latest 'fads'
What is going on.
What is next.
How does it work.
****Yeahhh. I have to do this.
I don't just tell people,
"oh do 50 pushups, eat that orange."
No. There is SO much more in what I do.****
I am going to tell you about five of the biggest fads I see
and tell you the inside on them.
How they work.
And hopefully,
this will make you think twice before opening up your wallet.
Toning creams and lotions
Want to know something? I tried these during high school. I tried many of them! and.... failure.
Why don't these work?
I mean you can find them everywhere,
So what is the deal....
They do not have a miracle ingredient that burns fat. It has caffeine. What does caffeine do? It temporarily gives you a jolt. A diuretic effect which has an effect on your skin and increases your blood flow. But only to the area it has been applied to. This makes it appear smoother and tighter. But only for a short time, it is not a permanent solution.
Just saved you $15-100+
Yes! the infamous "it works wraps"
Actually ANY wraps at that!
You work for this company?
Don't get your panties in a wad because I am about to tell the truth.
"Lose inches overnight--no exercise needed!
Slim down by the weekend, without lifting a finger! "
Yeah they work temporarily?
Why not permanently
water, water, water, water weight!
Sure you can moisturize your skin with the wraps and lose some water weight from sweating
but it is only temporary.
If you did not know water weight can add up to 5-10 pounds on you...
And water weight is hard for some people.
From; hormones, too much salt, not enough water, medications.
So yes, this is how it works.
Saved you $20-450
waist training...
This is something that scares me.
And makes me worry for those who use these.....
They not only give you temporary results.
but also are very damaging to your body.
That right there ^^^^
is what it does to your body.
This is not good..
uncomfortable, restricting, breathing is off, damaging your rib cage, relocation of organs..
How they work however..
see the picture above, it shows you the truth of how they work.
It is only a temporary process.
Take it off, keep it off and you will see your waist going back.
why is this?
This is not healthy at all...
Just saved you $15-100+
$100s-1,000s in hospital bills.
Are they wearing trash bags?
hahahha. Looks like it.
But seriously.
I'm going to be honest, I've tried it as well.
However you might see someone out in one of these ever so often,
but it is no different then someone running in full sweats and a hoodie
when it is hot outside or in the gym.
What does it do?
with trapping your body in one of these while working out it raises your temperature.
what happens when your temperature is raised? You sweat.
however from being inside of this bag, your sweat does not evaporate,
which leads to more sweat!!!
But as everything else i have talked about on here..
And what does water weight do?
It comes back!
*your body needs water in order to burn fat. Sweat too much water out and your body will first have to make adjustments for its dehydration by retaining water and fat.*
Just saved you: $10-50
as there are hundreds of different products out there claiming to be
They are everywhere.....
But what really works??
Healthy eating habits and exercise!
You can spend the same money you do already in every day life with eating
and spend no money on getting up off your butt and raising your heart rate.
How does this work?
150 minutes a WEEK, that is 20-25 minutes a day.
of getting your heart rate up.
If that is even just going to walk!!!!
*want 50 things to do daily to lose weight? "50 ways to be active"
Fruits, veggies, protein, complex carbs.
That is it. the basics.
That is all you need.
switch to baked, steamed or grilled. Not fried.
Low fat.
*you can find healthy eating habits at, "Want to lose weight" *
This has been around sense time began.
All scientist approve.
There are countless research behind to prove it,
This is what works!!!!
and this is something that you know.
So seriously, before pulling out your wallet,
think about what you are about to invest into.
Start investing in what you know does work,
not the next "big thing"
or "quick fix".
Trust in the process.

Need help with it?
or email me at
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