Dec 18, 2014

Take your dreams seriously! [Talk about it Thursday]

They say things worth having never come easy. Do you agree? I do.
In every aspect of life you are given things, you work towards things, you face choices..
 Every single day.
Now let me ask you, what are your reasons for your decisions and steps you are taking?
What is your purpose? What is your goal? Do you even have one?

If you know me, I mean REALLY know me.
Not just my name or a couple facts, 
but really know why I get up every morning?
 If so, you know I am on a mission.

Would you believe me if I said one day I will be making 6 figures?
What about living in my dream house on land with Raul and our five kids?
How about me doing this with something that I love
while still being able to be at home with family?
 Probably thinking, “yeah, ok. You’ve lost it. Not happening.”
Trust me I know it might sound like a long shot,
it might sound to you like I will work every day for the rest of my life?
Now, what if I told you that you were wrong?
And I knew for a fact I would make all of this happen.

Today I had my first interview at 24 hour fitness as a personal trainer.
This is my first interview for a personal training position sense getting my certification.
 You think I would have been less nervous and at ease with it being my home gym
and knowing EVERY ONE there.
Of course I dressed up, put my big girl panties on, threw on a smile,
 and went in full force and confidence.
After the interview ended I was told I will be getting a second one.
 *which is great news*.
However I freaked after.
What can I do to make sure this second interview goes great!?
But wait, what if it doesn’t, what if I fail? I seriously freaked.
 However I was texting my best friend Jessica that moment
 and she said something that opened my eyes back up to the bigger pictures.
 I said to her, “what if I fail?” Her reply,

 “then you start over. Just be yourself.”

Those words right there kicked me back into the Miriah I am.
It made me remind myself success does not come easy.
 I will hit hard spots and I will get rejected
and at times I really will fall flat on my face and fail.
But you know what, I will get back up and I will take it.
 I will take it real hard under my chin and just keep chugging.

That is all what being successful is about.
Never giving up, believe in what you do and who you are.
Do what you have to do to be able to do what you want to do.

Do I want or like to go through countless interviews,
starting at the lowest, and dealing with obstacles on the way?
No, not at all.
 I hate the frustration, the countless tears, losing friends, missing time with family,
not being able to experience what most people my age are.
I do. However I know itwill all pay off and my success will come.
For me, my husband, my kids and family.
It will, I truly have faith in that.
I have a vision sooo much more than just being a personal trainer,
competing in a competition or being an average seller for AdvoCare.
My vision is WAAAYYYYYY beyond this.
 More than the average person could even try and wrap their mind around at once.
I am a 20 year old women, chasing goals that others mostly just dream of.
Every waking moment of every day, I am doing something to put me closer to them!

This doesn’t just have to be me though.
 I am not typing this just so you know what is going on in “Miriah’s World”.
 I am doing this so you can see that an average white girl from the grove
can make something of herself!
 I want you to chase any dream you have,
no matter what they are!
To not give up no matter how tough the road might get.
 Regardless of how many people walk out of your life on the way.
 If you miss the nights going out
because you’re at home reading up on tools to better yourself, so be it!
Wake up every day determined and do not go to sleep until you are satisfied!
Do this every single day
and one day I promise you.
 You will be able to say,

 “I made it.”

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