Dec 18, 2014


Like I mentioned in my AdvoCare page, 
this is what got me hooked!
This right here is my magic potion! hahah.
No joke, but really..
Every day I am waking up at five 
and then I am out the door to the gym.
Hour and a half - two hours later
I am back home and ready to crawl back into bed.
However with things need to be done
around the house, no peace and quite,
having to study, needing to go somewhere else,
worried about not sleeping tonight if I do...
So many reason why I should not take a nap,
but my mind and body telling me to
"just do it".
This honestly started to become a big problem.
I constantly had asked myself,
"why do I keep fighting it? I cannot get anything done if I'm not fully here anyways"
Yeah, I know you know what I'm talking about.
However that all changed when I got my hands on SPARK.
Most people will take this first thing in the morning
instead of coffee.
*which I learned to do also when I decided to cut out sugar*
But with me, I need the most energy from 12-4 o'clock.
This is when I have finished cleaning
and am getting ready to sit down and study.
*fun, right?*
Now you must understand
before I started taking Spark,
I could never concentrate on just one thing.
I couldn't remember what I had just read two sentences before.
Nothing would stick!
And I would just become so bored and tired with it.
However now, its a completely different story!

I am not only able to stay awake and energized.
But my mental focus and memory is now sharpened!
I can sit here for five to eight hours now straight

and understand all of what I am reading.
I can continue on with my day without a nap feeling ten times better
than I would if I would have taken a nap.
Not even kidding!

Now I know you are probably thinking
"she must be looking like a crack head from the energy it gives her"
"it must be loaded with sugar"
"she must shake all the time"


Spark gives you No jitters
No constant itch for movement
No crash
No withdraws
NO SUGAR *yes I said it. no sugar*
Sharpened mental focus and clarity
Vitamins and minerals !!!!!

Spark as you see,
And just what every person needs if suffering
from lack of energy or focus!

Don't believe me, try it yourself! (:
It even comes in many different

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