Oct 23, 2014

Started from the bottom. [Talk about it Thursday]

So, one of my goals in starting a successful business for myself is to 
inspire people
I mean why else would you want to work with someone if what they stand for doesn't grab your attention? 
But I have been wondering just how do I do that? 
Of course you can follow my Facebook, 
Instagram or you can see me in the gym. 
So what about those who don't have access to social media or don't go to my gym? 
This is where my blog comes into play. 
My blog will let you see what those around me do but more ! 
You will watch me grow and see what all it takes for me to get there. 

However with wondering how to get everyone involved in what I'm trying to do ,
 I've also thought about what to even say.
 Every time I sit down to write.... 
My mind goes .... 
So I figured why not properly introduce myself and tell you why I took on this lifestyle.

First off my name is Miriah Zuniga 
*pronounced like Mariah, it's just spelt different*
I am twenty years of age 
and live in East Texas. 
I praise my almighty God and live the best life I can.
I am married to the love of my life 
and Swolemate Raul Zuniga 
sense December 26th, 2013 ! 
Best choice I've ever made! 
We also have a four legged baby named Cash 
that is a handful, however also a blessing. 

Yes they are handsome aren't they? (:  

Any who. Hahaha. 
I am currently close to finishing up my training to become a Certified Personal trainer with ACE 
and continue to further my education by becoming a nutrition specialist. 

Now, you ask why this lifestyle ? 

Well Growing up my parents can tell you I was a very strong willed child. 
If I wanted something, 
I worked my butt off for it. 
This ended up being good at times but also bad. 
Growing up in "the grove" 
and hanging with the wrong crowd 
really put that strong willed and determination into the wrong things. 
After years of driving my parents up the walls 
and constant wonder of what to do with me now, 
we moved to a small town called Corsicana. 
This is when I fell in love with Basketball. 
This was my passion. 
I was addicted.
 Day in and day out I put everything I had on the court. 
This is what I put that determination I had my whole life into. 
I was determined to be good. 
With basketball I had gotten on the right track with my life. 
I feel I had it all together. 
However then graduation came, 
things happened 
and I lost that passion. 
I lost that vision. 
Starting to go down the wrong path again, 
Losing what I needed to put that determination into. 

In February of 2013 my life changed forever. 
I got saved.
I changed my whole life around literally 
ask my parents.
It was the next morning I dropped all the bad habits, 
I started college for Nursing 
*thinking this is what I wanted to be*, 
I made new friends, 
I hung around new places. 
I was a completely different person. 
And at this time is when I reconnected with Raul. 
Wondering why I mention that? 
because of him I found that thing I had been missing to put my determination into. 

I texted Raul 24'7. 
Sun up to sun day. 
Yes, I probably did annoy him at times. 
Totally kidding. He loved me. Hahah.

Well every day he would go workout. 
Always in the gym. 
And every time he would tell me 
"I'll talk to you later. I'm going to the gym", 
I would sit there and think about the determination he had. 
I mean seriously. 
This man got up EVERYDAY and went to the gym and busted his ass.
You could tell. 
With seeing this I decided to join in. 
And let's be honest I started because I wanted to be his "arm candy". 
I would go running around the neighborhood every night 
and started playing on a coed softball team. 
After a month of this I seen a change in my body.
 A change I loved! 
My over health had improved, 
my stomach started to slim down 
and my legs also. 
I then started to become hungry for the results. 
I joined a gym, 
nervous but always hearing about Raul lifting weights; 
I decided to give it a try. 
I googled, I asked questions, I observed and I tried. 
I gave my all, 
day in and day out just like Raul had.
 And after another month,
 I seen more and more results!!!
With more results,
 this had now became my addiction. 
This was me. 
I put all that determination I had bottled up, 
all into the gym.
Every workout, every set, every rep; 
I kicked my own butt. 
I was on a mission. 
On a mission for what? 
To now be better than who I was the day before. 
It was no longer my goal to be "arm candy". 
Yes, that still is a wonderful thing and feels amazing. 
But this wasn't my main priority. 
My health was.
After more months passed by of this 
I became deeper and deeper in love with the lifestyle 
and wanted to know more. 
*this is what woke me up to drop out of nursing school and become a personal trainer, to do what truly made me happy*

*fast forward a year*

I still now stand where i did then. 
However I stand stronger and more determined.
 I have a mind set on many goals. 
All because of this lifestyle. 
It is a hard lifestyle, 
It takes ALOT of determination and discipline. 
And that is why I do it. 
It became my passion, 
It became my dream, 
it became what I live for. 

So if you every wonder why I do what I do? 
It's because this is what I believe God made me to do. 
To be an inspiration to others in any way possible. 

I encourage you to try it, 
it will forever change you. 

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