Mar 2, 2015

My first AdvoCare mixer...


This past Saturday [February 28th, 2015],
I hosted my very own mixer with my teammate Kay'La Anderson in Corsicana, TX!
So how did this go?

Well let me just tell you !
Being completely honest and open.

Growing up in school and with friends I was the "leader, outgoing, determined one."
I was always in the light.
I played sports, did cheer leading and people knew who I was.
And if you ask anyone they will tell you,
"I've never known a stranger. There is no person that is a stranger.
These are people I just have not gotten the chance to talk to yet."

So when you think about throwing a mixer,
you would think "Miriah has this."
I thought this to! hahaha.
As the days got closer my stomach started to feel different,
I started stressing..
well honestly, because I over think things. hahha.

But after all of this, the day came.
weather was bad, so family bailed on driving out.
I was missing stuff I "needed" and I was a wreck.
I drank 3 sparks back to back
[never do this]
from just being nervous and needing something in my hand.
saying in my head, "Miriah what are you doing...."
I knew however, there was no backing out.

Keep in mind, I was already stressing out Kay'La, just because I was stressing lol.
And I did not have someone guide me through this, I just said,
"Hey i'm going to do a mixer."
Knowing nothing on how it was suppose to go.

So I pulled it together,
Me and Kay'La set up the products, decorations, music, papers, etc.
And people started to come in.

The mixer was GO!
Although I choked at the start...Being soooo serious!
My mouth opened, but no words came out until Kay'La said "Welcome".
We hung out talking about AdvoCare.
Drinking our sparks, shakes and bars.
Listening on the best products and how we get paid.
We answered questions and even asked some also.
Showed some amazing products,
gave away a gift basket and hung out and talked.
ending with changing peoples lives on products and business ! 

And it was a job well done ((:
Something that you had to experience yourself ! 

So when is the next??
March 15th @ 3:00 
104 Jeremy Dr. Fate, TX 75132 ! 

Come join us (:
Contact me for more info:

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