Jan 9, 2015

Be that 1 in 20..

Be that five percent!

This has not been easy .. By any means.
However I knew that going into it.

In December this past year I had decided to take a leap 
and follow my dreams.

( I say leap, because I had no clue where to start, 
what to do, 
or if this would really work out. ) 

Despite all of it, I took it. 
*Not knowing what would've been is worse then failure to me.*
 so I cancelled my interviews.. 
I grabbed a pen and paper and came up with a plan.
 I was going to start my own business. 
you're thinking I am insane right now huh? 
My husband did too for a moment. 
"You're 20 years old..."
 Probably thinking I know nothing about 
business structure, sales, management, advertisement, etc.
 I mean, "Miriah get real? "
^^My husband did not say this though. We just had a long talk. hahah^^
Well you're partially right about all of that. 
Not going to lie. 
I don't have a degree in any of those. 
*At least not yet* 
but what I do know is just because I do not know those things this very moment
 does not mean I never will. 
It doesn't disqualify me. 
It doesn't mean my dreams can't come true. 
I know the basics and what a person must have though.

*Did you know that only 1 out of 20 people succeed in their dreams and are happy? Not just goals as work but health, family, friends, faith. That is just five percent!!! **
 just a quick fact, reason for my title and also I will mention again.

I am currently in my second month on building my business. 
What has it been like?? 
I'll just say a work in progress.

My first month was full of research,
 talking to professionals, 
making phone calls to ask questions, 
learning the insides of peoples experiences,
 reading books, 
taking notes. 
The list goes on...
Every single day I did this. Up to 8-10 hours.
 I did this the whole first month.

I had headaches, 
I cried of frustration, 
I asked myself is it even worth it, will it work?
 A lot of the information I had found out and seen, 
was not for the weak hearted. 
and I questioned that, 
am I fit for this?

Well I wasn't. 
Not at first.
 For that reason right there.
 I thought to myself I wasn't, That is the reason I was not fit.
I thought this just from what I seen at the moment..... 
What I know now that I didn't at that point was 
you cannot look at things as what you see, 
you must go on what you know. 
If you always go by what you see, 
you have already failed.

Although I did not know this then, 
I still continued to work at it.
I had a burning desire to live my dreams. 
To be happy in my life in every aspect. 
(Family, friends, work, home, health. Everything) 
this went on for the first month.

Starting my second month 
which is January now, 
I took a bigger step. 
I put what I had learned to action.
 I worked at it every single day. 
Day in and day out. 
I made it a routine.

*Reaching out to people. Looking at others and answering any questions I could. Going out and making it a point to talk to at lease one person on what they are doing about their lives and how I might could help. Investing in products that would get my name out. I made flyers. I got business cards. Tshirts. Hats. Signs. Etc. I got a website. I got on every business page and made a profile. I started a blog. I exercises every day. I read a chapter - two a day. I ate healthier. I spent more time with my family. I made new friends and continued to strengthen current ones. I even got in touch with older friends I had lost touch with. I sent emails. I encouraged others on their accomplishments even if I wasn't the one who guided them to be there. I did so much every single day. And I still do. *

I got a planner and wrote down everything week by week 
Detailed in every area I wanted to work on
 with the steps to become better in them. 
I even made weekly goals I had to meet.

And I am still doing this. 
You know what else, 
I am still doing what I was the first month also.
 I did not stop doing this. 
I added on to it. 
And by doing this I have grown. 
as a person and in my business.

I am not only more confident, knowledgeable, happier, healthier, 
but I am even more disciplined. 
Am I making millions or thousands? 
Not even a fraction percentage close. 
I am going to be honest about that. 
Do I have the tools and discipline to do so? You bet !!
You know what I do have though?
I have people who trust in me,
who rely on me,
who have me as their go to person.
**this is honestly soo much more then money**
That is why I do what I do. 
Not to get peoples money but to help change their lives.

But get this.
 I have failed at times. 
I have gotten many rejections. 
I have got the back turn with the nose in the air.
 And I have got the not interested. 
I've had business cards thrown in the trash and flyers stepped on.

Even with all the tools to succeed I still failed.
 Got rejected and even laughed at.
 But I also succeeded. 
I helped people. 
I broke the ground. 
This is how it was and going to continue to be 
till I found what worked best for me.
 guess what? that was life.

Learning this it often made me wonder why most people are so afraid to fail? 
It is a part of life. 
You are either succeeding or failing 
so why not take the road to succeed. 
I know you're saying "no. That is not true. 
"I am not successful but I am also not at the bottom. 
I'm average. I'm in between." 
Sorry to break it to you but you're wrong.
There are two paths. 
One to success the other to failure. 
And at first for however long the two will seem alike. 
but they are so far from that. 
You will hit a moment where it happens as you would say "over night". 
But it wasn't over night.
 You had worked at this for a constant period of time day by day. 
If it was my positive or negative actions or thoughts.

Someone did not just come to me and ask 
"how can I become a client" 
just one day out of the blue. 
You know that happened?
 I had EVERY SINGLE DAY advertised myself in a way 
where people knew if they wanted to change their lives, I would help them. 
I would make sure they succeeded. 
How did I do this? 
I read everyday on how to build myself. I researched on the tools to help them succeed. I got certified. I set as an example. Etc. 
 I did sooo many small steps that made the biggest difference months later.
 Did I see this then? NO. Did I know it though? Yes I did.

This is how there is no between in success and failure.
 You're going up or down and one day you will fall or hit a break through. 
And you will continue on that path if you decided to. 
Just because you are failing now does not mean you will always fail 
*if you change something.* 
just as you will not continue to succeed
 unless you keep doing those things that got you there.

I see this in a lot with fitness. 
*because I get tons of people come to me with it*
" I just like happened out of no where."
Or the big "I have no clue how I got like this..."
 You know how, 
You made daily choices that did not make you better
 but instead pulled you down. 
That soda you drank, late night snack, trip to Taco Bell, workout you missed.
 That's what happened. 
That one day you decided not to do those things,
 you went down towards failure. 
You only did those small daily things.
 And you did not even notice how much it would really effect you!
 Why is that though?
 Because again you went by what you seen and not had known.
Why else though?
Because those daily things are just so easy to do!
"Oh my gosh yes! 
Its just so much easier to pick up some fast food on my way to work!!"

^^^ I know you're saying this.
Welll..... news flash;
It is also just as easy to not do them.

The biggest thing I have heard my whole life
 from not only friends but even family.

is "it's ok if you _____ this one time. It won't hurt or kill you." 
Well they were wrong. 
It will.
 Every single thing you do, every moment of every day matters.
 For the whole reasons of what I told you above. 
It all connects.

How do you know though if what you are doing 
will take you towards success or failure? 
You can use your common sense of course.
 you can sit back and think hard on it. 
plan out what will happen if you do whatever it is. 
think long and hard.
 I am not talking just what will happen tomorrow or next week. 
Even think years and decades from now. 

This is all something I have learned and now am living by everyday.
Just by making the choice to start my own business.
Just in two months!!!
 I have done a complete 180 
 in myself, my change of thought, relationships, etc. 
And I am succeeding. 
You know what separates that 1 person from the other 20. 
What makes that 5 percent?
Successful people [that one person] 
does what unsuccessful people will not.
Yeah you have heard that one. 
What does that mean though.
Look at it this way. 
Success means doing what is uncomfortable now 
and making it become comfortable later.
failure is doing what is comfortable now 
and becomes uncomfortable later.
Really think about it.
It couldn't be more true. I know.

So really
how has it been running and building my own business 
if you have asked me today?
Although slow, it is easy.
All because of the small daily disciplines I follow.

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